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sample rti,examination copies under rti, evaluated copies, answersheet rti, download sample rti

RTI Application for Examination Paper

This is the sample questions for asking evaluated answersheet under Right to Information Act. You can read about latest judgements and rulings regarding Answer Sheets from our Case Law segment here.

If you have any queries regarding filing RTI Application, you can go ahead at our forums and request assistance from our community.

Format for the RTI Application


Central Public Information Officer, O/o Registrar of University, [Name of the University] [Full Address]

Subject: Information under Right to Information Act 2005

Dated: [Enter the Date of RTI Application]

Dear Sir, <html> <script async src=“pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js”></script> <ins class=“adsbygoogle” style=“display:block; text-align:center;” data-ad-layout=“in-article” data-ad-format=“fluid” data-ad-client=“ca-pub-3082882621726443” data-ad-slot=“9529004960”></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </html> Kindly furnish certified copies of my answer-sheets, the details of which are as under: 1. Name of the candidate: [Enter Your Name] 2. Roll Number : [Enter the Roll Number] 3. Name of Exam : [Write the name of the examination, say BSC 2nd year] 4. Date of Exam : [Date of the Examination] 5. Name of the Subject: [Give the names of the subjects for which you want the copies] 6. Exam Center: [Exam center location] 7. Subject Code: [Write the Subject Code of Exam] 8. Centre Code: [Write the Center code as available in Hall Ticket] [If you are attaching the Xerox copy of the Hall Ticket, Kindly click here and write, I am attaching the xerox copy of the Hall ticket] I am attaching the prescribed fees of Rs [Write the fee amount deposited. Check the University website for the correct RTI Fees] /- paid through [Write the Mode of Payment Cash /Cheque/Postal Order e.t.c] dated [Write the date of the examination]. With Regards, [Name of Yours here] [Date of writing RTI Application] [Full Postal Address along with email & Telephone number] —- ===== Download the Format ===== * Format for Examination Copies in docx version * Format for Examination Copies in doc version ===== Guidelines for filing RTI Application Form ===== - Obtaining answer sheets under RTI and revaluation and/or rechecking are different process. By filing RTI application, the student can obtain copy of his own evaluated answer sheet from the university within the Record Retention period. Student can seek this information directly from the PIO of the University. - For re-valuation, there is prescribed procedure including submission of application with prescribed fee for each subject within stipulated cut-off date for submission of such application. This application needs to be routed through the concerned college. Application for revaluation shall not be accepted after cut-off date. - Best method is to do both simultaneously i.e. file RTI Application and seek evaluated answer sheet of that subject and at the same time submit application for revaluation. By this way, student can be sure that the answer sheet is atleast located by the university. Applicant can also show the evaluated answer paper to HoD of his college and get his view on chance of getting more marks as also mistake in calculations. This is also useful since the student can take a decision whether he must prepare for reattempt or there will be chance to get through. - RTI Application is to be addressed to the Public Information officer (PIO) in the office of Registrar of University. Application shall be submitted by Speed Post and speed post delivery be tracked through India Post website SPEED POST TRACKING and a print out be kept on record. {(rater>id=1|name=Sample RTI for Evaluated Answer Sheet|type=rate)} —- ===== Download other templates for RTI =====


guide/applicant/application/sample/exam-paper.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/26 14:44 by Shrawan