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RTI Application for LPG Refill Delay

Often the LPG Refill is not supplied by the distributor company for long duration. Mostly such distributors expect the consumer to collect the LPG Refill form their shop, though they may be availing charges for home delivery. With online booking, even the distributor's outlet do not pick up phone. You will become helpless. You can file RTI Application with the CPIO of concerned Oil Company and seek information as below:


The Central Public Information
…………. Petroleum Corporation Ltd
……………(Full address)
PIN Code………….

Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act.


Please supply me the following information:

Details of LPG Connection:

Name of LPG Distributor: M/s …….…….
Address of LPG Distributor:
My Consumer No. …………………
Address of Consumer: …………..

Particulars of information required

[1] Kindly supply me certified copy of ‘Dealership Agreement’ executed by and between M/s ……………………………………………(Indane/HP/BP - Agency name), for distribution of Indane/HP/BP LPG cylinders, including Terms & Conditions as well as Services and facilities required to be provided by the Dealer to the consumers / Customers.

[2] Kindly supply me List showing (a) Consumer No., (b) Date of Booking, [c] Date of Delivery & (d) Bill/Cash Memo number and date, of all Domestic use Indane/HP/BP LPG Cylinders booked and delivered by M/s …………………… (Agency name), from ………………to …………………….. (this period is 2 days before your date of booking and one day after you received delivery or actual date of filing RTI Application, if refill is not received)

[3] Kindly supply me date-wise quantity (in number of cylinders) of Indane/HP/BP domestic use LPG cylinders supplied by Indane/HP/BP to M/s ………………………… (Agency name), from ……………to …………… (this period is 2 days before your date of booking and one day after you received delivery or actual date of filing RTI Application, if refill is not received)

[4] Kindly supply me list showing date-wise Home Delivery as well as Cash & Carry delivery of LPG Refill in respect of my Consumer no. ………………………… (your consumer no) with M/s ………………… (Name and Address of Agency) from …………… (six months prior date) to …….…… (date of filing RTI Application).

Application Fee of Rs.10 is attached as IPO No……………………….. payable to the Accounts Officer, ……….. .

Please send the information to my below address by Registered post.

Yours faithfully,

Name ………………
Consumer No……
Address ……………
Pin Code ………


Strike out the italic portion written for your guidance. Fill up with specific Oil Company name and strike other names from Indane/HP/BP.

For guidance in writing and submitting RTI Applications, please refer to: How to Fill RTI Application Form

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guide/applicant/application/sample/lpg-delay.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/28 04:00 by Raveena