RTI Application for Road Works
Bad roads are attributable to different causes. One of the main causes in bad riding is improper maintenance by public authorities such as NHAI in case of National Highways, State PWD in case of State Highways and major roads, Municipal Corporation / Municipality for roads within municipal limits, Gram Panchayat for Rural Roads etc.
Another reason for bad road is substandard asphalting work resulting in battered road surface and asphalting layer.
Another cause is road cutting or digging work undertaken by various agencies like State Electricity Boards or Power Distribution Companies for laying electric cables, telephone/Mobile operators for laying communication cables, private parties for laying or crossing water and sewerage pipelines. On completion of these works, these agencies do not fill up the pits properly or do not bituminize / cement the cut/digged surface.
For all these aspects, separate RTI Applications are required to be filed before the concerned public authority.
Sample for improper road maintenance
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The Public Information Officer
Name of the Public Authority
Full Address
Pin Code
Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act.
Please supply me following information under Right to Information Act with respect to bad conditions of road.
Details of road about which information is required:
Road Name :
Road Stretch: from ……… to ………… and/or any portion of road, inclusive of stretch of road from ……… to ………..
Area / locality
Period of information: From …….. to ………
Details of information sought:
[1] please supply me certified list of maintenance and/or repair works carried out through contractual agency, in respect of road stretch and period mentioned above.
[2] please supply me certified copy of work orders issued / contracts awarded along with schedule of work, sanctioned detailed estimate, approved drawing/sketch in respect of maintenance and/or repair work of the road stretch during period mentioned above.
[3] Certified copies of Measurement Books wherein the measurement with respect to each of the work order / contract is recorded and passed with respect to road stretch during period mentioned above.
[4] Certified copies of the latest running account bills or final bills paid to the contractors with respect to each of the work order issued / contracts awarded and works carried out and/or in progress in road stretch during period mentioned above.
[5] Amount of penalty imposed and recovered from contractors/ agencies for indifferent works, sub-standard works or short-execution of works with respect to each of the work orders issued / contracts awarded for road stretch during period mentioned above.
[6] certified list of officers and supervisors executed, supervised and measurement recorded in Measurement Book in respect of each of the work order / work contract executed on road stretch during the period mentioned above.
[7] certified list of works and its performance guarantee amount deposit held by your public authority with respect each work order or contract awarded to and/or executed by contractors in respect of road stretch during period mentioned above.
[8] Certified copy of the note sheet and order of competent authority to release to contractor the performance guarantee deposit amount held by your public authority in respect of work orders / contracts pertaining to road stretch during period mentioned above.
[9] please supply me the list of works carried out departmentally along with its sanctioned estimate, schedule of works, drawing or sketch indicating proposed works, in above stretch of road or the portion inclusive of above stretch of road, during the period from ………. to ………..
[10] please inform me the name, designation, office address and Telephone numbers of Officer(s) and Supervisor(s) responsible for execution, monitoring and supervising the maintenance work of above mentioned stretch of road.
[11] Please supply me certified copy manuals or an such other documents showing Schedule of Inspections indicating the frequency and nature of such inspections required to be carried out by officer(s) and Supervisors of your public authority with respect to conditions and maintenance of roads under their charge.
[12] please supply me certified copies of all inspection notes / reports issued by officer incharge and Supervisors Incharge of above stretch of road during the last 12 months.
[13] please supply me certified copies of compliance report on all inspection notes / inspection reports issued by officer(s) and Supervisor incharge during the last 12 months.
[14] please supply me certified copy of statement showing expenses incurred for maintenance and repairs of above road stretch during the period mentioned above.
[15] Please inform me the name, designation and office address of the officer(s) and staff, whose assistance sought by PIO in deciding and supplying information with respect to this RTI Application.
Application Fee of Rs….. is remitted by Challan and copy attached OR paste Court Fee Stamp OR I am attaching IPO for Rs.10/- payable to the Accounts Officer, …………. payable at ……….. towards RTI Application Fee.
Please send the information to my below address by Registered post.
Yours faithfully,
Name ………………
Address ……………
Pin Code ……………
Sample for Battered Road surface and damaged Asphalting <html> <script async src=“pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js”></script> <ins class=“adsbygoogle”
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The Public Information Officer
Name of the Public Authority
Full Address
Pin Code
Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act.
Please supply me following information under Right to Information Act with respect to bad conditions of below mentioned road.
Details of road about which information is required:
Road Name :
Road Stretch: from ……… to ………… and/or any portion of road, inclusive of stretch of road from ……… to ………..
Area / locality
Period of information: From …….. to ………
Details of information sought:
[1] Certified copy of the sanctioned estimate for the work of asphalting of road last executed on above road stretch during period mentioned.
[2] Certified copy of the schedule of work with respect to the work of asphalting of road last executed on on above road stretch during period mentioned.
[3] Certified copy of the Letter of Acceptance issued to the contractor / agency for the work of asphalting of road last executed on above road stretch during period mentioned.
[4] Please inform me the Name, designation and office address of the officers and supervisors supervised the work of asphalting of road mentioned above.
[5] Please inform me the Name, designation and office address of the officers recorded measurement in Measurement Book for the work of asphalting of road last executed on the road stretch mentioned above.
[6] Please inform me the Name, designation and office address of the officers test checked the work of asphalting of road last executed on the road stretch mentioned above and date of last test check.
[7] Certified copy of the code / manual / Standard or and any such other document indicating the codal life of asphalted road surface of the road mentioned above.
[8] Please inform me the technical reason for crumbling of asphalted road surface on the stretch of road mentioned above.
[9] Certified copy of the order / note sheet under which the warranty / security deposit and/or Performance Guarantee of the contractor is forfeited for sub-standard work of asphalting on the road stretch mentioned above.
[10] Please inform me the preventive measures and corrective action taken to protect the above stretch of road from further deterioration and damage.
[11] Please inform me the name, designation and office address of the officer(s) and staff, whose assistance sought by PIO in deciding and supplying information with respect to this RTI Application.
Application Fee of Rs….. is remitted by Challan and copy attached OR paste Court Fee Stamp OR I am attaching IPO for Rs.10/- payable to the Accounts Officer, …………. payable at ……….. towards RTI Application Fee.
Please send the information to my below address by Registered post.
Yours faithfully,
Name ………………
Address ……………
Pin Code ……………
Sample for Road Cutting / Digging leading to bad road <html> <script async src=“pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js”></script> <ins class=“adsbygoogle” style=“display:block; text-align:center;” data-ad-layout=“in-article” data-ad-format=“fluid” data-ad-client=“ca-pub-3082882621726443” data-ad-slot=“9529004960”></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </html>
The Public Information Officer
Name of the Public Authority
Full Address
Pin Code
Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act.
Please supply me following information under Right to Information Act with respect to damage caused to below mentioned road.
Details of road about which information is required:
Road Name :
Road Stretch: from ……… to ………… and/or any portion of road, inclusive of stretch of road from ……… to ………..
Area / locality
Period of information: From …….. to ………
Details of information sought:
[1] Certified copies of all applications / requests received by your public authority seeking permission for cutting /digging across road or its footpaths for passage of electric cable, communication cable, pipelines or sewerage lines or for any other purpose, on above road stretch.
[2] certified copies of inspection reports and feasibility reports submitted by the site engineer / supervisor incharge for grant of permission with respect to each of the application seeking permission for road cutting/digging, on above mentioned road.
[3] Certified copy of the permission granted by your public authority in respect of all applications seeking permission for cutting / digging across road or its footpaths for passage of electric cable, communication cable, pipelines or sewerage lines etc on above road.
[4] Certified copy of the terms and conditions stipulated and required to be abided by applicants in execution of road cutting /digging work on above road stretch.
[5] Certified copy of the report of inspection of road by Engineering incharge or Supervisor incharge of your public authority after execution of road cutting / digging work, for which permission was granted in each such case with regard to above road stretch.
[6] Certified copy of the note sheet and decision of competent authority with regard to violation of stipulated conditions by the applicant-executor who undertook the road cutting / digging work, leaving pits on roads or not covering road surface with bitumen layers or cement concrete, in respect of above road stretch, and the punitive action initiated against such persons/agencies.
[7] Please inform me the name, designation, office address and telephone numbers of Officer(s)/Engineer(s) and Supervisors responsible to ensure abidance of stipulated condition by the applicants to whom permission was granted for road cutting / digging on above road stretch.
[8] Certified copy of all communications received by your public authority from Municipal Corporators / Gram Panchayat Members / MLAs / MPs advising your public authority to grant permission for road cutting / digging work on road stretch mentioned above.
[9] Please inform me the name, designation and office address of the officer(s) and staff, whose assistance sought by PIO in deciding and supplying information with respect to this RTI Application.
Application Fee of Rs….. is remitted by Challan and copy attached OR paste Court Fee Stamp OR I am attaching IPO for Rs.10/- payable to the Accounts Officer, …………. payable at ……….. towards RTI Application Fee.
Please send the information to my below address by Registered post.
Yours faithfully,
Name ………………
Full Address ……………
Pin Code ……………
<note important>important</note>
==== More questions on Road Construction ====
These questions were asked by the RTI Applicant and through were denied by the CPIO, was allowed by Central Information Commission. 1)
- Name, current posting address and mobile number of Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer under whom supervision of this works will take place.
- Certified copy of approved list of Manufacturer’s /Supplier’s/Vendor’s specified in NIT.
- Certified copy of all the invoice /Challan /Vouchers/Bills of the material procured for execution of these works.
- Certified copy of MAS register.
- Certified copy of completion certificate of the work. (If the work has been completed) or if the work has not been completed mention the reasons of delayed along with the actual date of completed of work.)
- Certified copy of Abstract of cost of first and final bill.
- Certified copy of Schedule of Quantity.
- Measurement book. (If work has under execution, provide the MB for till Now.)
Please check the mode of payment of RTI Application Fee and Application Format (if any) from your State RTI Rules]]
In case word limit per RTI Application is prescribed under RTI Rules applicable to the public authority concerned, more than one RTI application may be filed (with different dates, to identify reply of PIO with respect to each such application)
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