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RTI Application for bad roads

Include the following in your RTI Application <blockquote>During the period : _ to _ please provide the following information with respect to all the works carried out to restore the roads by various agencies in the area _:

  1. List of agencies who carried out road cutting during his period, purpose for which it was carried out, and the time duration for which it was carried out for.
  2. Amount of money deposited, if any, by each of these agencies and dates of such deposit.
  3. Exact location, with copies of sketches to indicate, for which the permission was granted to each agency, to cut the road.
  4. Confirmation if each of these agencies adhered to the locations for which permission was granted or if there was any deviation during execution.
  5. Details of the deposit money utilized by corporation with a complete list of all the works carried out through the use of this deposit money indicating the name of work, amount allocated under that work, and the location which was repaired under each work, with copy of the sketch.


guide/applicant/application/sample/road-work.1460889760.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/17 10:42 by Shrawan