Table of Contents
Bihar RTI Rules
Bihar Right to Information Rules, 2006
Bihar is one of the first states to accept this right to information applications on phone, inaugurated by the chief minister of Bihar named as ’Jankari’ call centre on 29 January 2007. The objective was to ensure transparency and to expand its reach to villages, where the literacy rate is low.
It is a user friendly ICT (Information and Communications Technology) based facilitation centre to help citizens of Bihar in getting governance related information from public information officers (PIOs) under the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI) within stipulated time frame
- RTI Application in Form A
- Receipt/Acknowledgement in Form B
- Additional Fees to be informed in Form C
- PIO to provide information in Form D
- PIO to reject request in Form F
- First Appeal in Form G
- Second Appeal in Form E
Application Procedure
Application Fees
FEES for Public Authorities under the Bihar RTI Rules:
Application Fee (Sec 6(1))
- For RTI Application Rs. 10.00
- For First Appeal Rs. 50.00
Fees to be paid by Cash, Bankers Cheque, Demand Draft or IPO payable to designated officer OR By affixing Non Judicial Stamp on the application OR by remittance to Head of Account: “0070 – Other Administrative Services – 60 – Other Services – 118 Receipts under RTI Act 2005 – 001 Receipt under RTI Act 2005 – Special Code R 007060118000”
EDIT: Bihar recently amended its RTI Rules to specify that the application fee will be Rs. 10.00 per query and also regarding BPL applicants. Please read RTI INDIA Forum Discussions here!
- Further Fees (Sec 7(1), 7(3), 7(5))
- Rs. 2.00 for each page created or copied (A3 or A4 size)
- Actual charge or cost price in larger size paper
- Actual cost or price for samples and models
- Rs. 50.00 for each Floppy or CD
- First hour of inspection is free and Rs. 5.00 for each subsequent hour or fraction thereof
<idxnum Fig. #4 RTI Fee Structure in Bihar>
Fee to be charged for providing Information
Form for asking Fees for Providing information
<idxnum Fig. #4 Form for Asking Fees from Applicant>
RTI Application to Bihar SIC
<idxnum Tab. #1 RTI Application to Bihar State Information Commission>
Name of the Public Authority | Bihar State Information Commission |
Address | 4th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna – 800 015 |
Telephone Numbers | 0612-2215713/ 2235059/ 2200426/ 2200412/ 2215076/ 2215871/ 2215856, FAX: 0612-2235466 |
Office Timing | 9.30 am to 6.00 pm (Monday to Friday), |
Head of the Office | Chief Information Commissioner Shri R Jaymohan Pillai |
Nodal Government Department | General Administration Department |
Details of Services provided (in brief) | Bihar State Information Commission is Second Appellate Authority, function is quasi judicial in nature. |
Physical Assets (Statement of lands & buildings and other assets) | Situated in Soochna Bhawan on 4th and 5th Floor, functions with assets provided by the nodal department. |
RTI Application Form
RTI Application Receipt Form
Format for giving information to Applicant
Format of Transfer of Application to other PIO
<idxnum Fig. #99 Transfer of Application to other PIO>
Format for Rejecting the Information
<idxnum Fig. #99 Format for Rejecting the RTI Application>
Appeal Procedures
Format for Appeal
Contents of appeal
The applicant aggrieved by an order of the appellate authority under sub-rule (1) may prefer the second appeal to the State Information Commission within ninety days from the date of receipt of order of the appellate authority giving following details:
(i) Name and address of the applicant;
(ii) Name and office address of the Public Information Officer;
(iii) Number, date and details of the order against which the Second appeal is filed;
(iv) Brief facts leading to second appeal;
(v) Grounds for appeal;
(vi) Verification by the appellant;
(vii) Any information which commission may deem necessary for deciding the appeal.
Documents to accompany appeal
Every appeal made to the Commission shall be accompanied by the following documents:
(i) Certified copy of the Order against which second appeal is preferred.
(ii) Copies of documents referred to and relied upon by the appellant along with a list thereof.
Procedure in deciding appeal
While deciding appeal the Commission may,-
(i) take oral or written evidence on oath or on affidavit;
(ii) evaluate the record;
(iii) inquire through the authorized officer further details or truthfulness;
(iv) summon the Public Information Officer or the appellate authority who has heard the first appeal;
(v) hear the third party; and
(vi) obtain necessary evidence from the Public Information Officer or the appellate authority who has heard the first appeal.
Service of notice by Commission
The Commission shall serve the notice in any one of the following modes,-
(i) service by the party itself;
(ii) by hand delivery;
(iii) by registered post with acknowledgement due; or
(iv) through the Head of the Department or its subordinate office.
Personal presence of the appellant or complainant
The Commission shall after hearing the parties to the appeal, pronounce in open proceedings its decision and issue a written order which shall be authenticated by the registrar or such officer as may be authorized by the Commission in this behalf.
Important Downloads
List of Departments in Bihar
- Agriculture कृषि
- Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Resources पशु एवं मत्स्य
- Art, Culture & Youth कला संस्कृति एवं युवा
- BC & EBC Welfare पिछड़ा वर्ग एवं अति पिछड़ा वर्ग कल्याण
- BELTRON बिहार राज्य इलेक्ट्रोनिक्स विकास निगम
- Bihar Public Service Commission बिहार लोक सेवा आयोग
- Bihar School Examination Board बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति
- Bihar State AIDS Control Society बिहार राज्य स्टेट एड्स कंट्रोल सोसाइटी
- Bihar State Beverage Corporation बिहार राज्य बेवरेज कॉरपोरेशन
- Bihar State Electricity Board बिहार राज्य विधुत बोर्ड
- Bihar State Food and Civil Supplies Corporation बिहार राज्य खाद्य एवं असैनिक आपूर्ति निगम
- Bihar State Housing Board बिहार राज्य आवास बोर्ड
- Bihar State Human Right Commission बिहार राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग
- Bihar State Industrial Area Development Authority बिहार राज्य औधोगिक क्षेत्र विकास प्राधिकार
- Bihar State Pollution control Board बिहार राज्य प्रदषण नियत्रण पर्षद
- Bihar State Pul Nirman Nigam बिहार राज्य पुल निर्माण निगम
- Bihar State Road Transport Corporation बिहार राज्य पथ परिवहन निगम
- Bihar State Seed Corporation बिहार राज्य बीज निगम
- Bihar State Storage Corporation बिहार राज्य भण्डार निगम
- Bihar State Text Book Corporation बिहार राज्य पाठ्य पुस्तक निगम
- Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation बिहार राज्य पर्यटन विकास निगम
- Building & Construction भवन निर्माण
- Cabinet Secretariat मंत्रिमंडल सचिवालय
- Chief Minister Secretariat मुख्यमंत्री सचिवालय
- Commercial Tax वाणिज्य कर
- Co-Operative सहकारिता
- Director General Of Police आरक्षी महानिदेशक
- Disaster Management आपदा प्रबंधन
- Election निर्वाचन
- Energy ऊर्जा
- Environment & Forest पर्यावरण एवं वन
- Finance वित्त
- Food & Consumer Forum खाद्य एवं उपभोक्ता संरक्षण
- Health स्वास्थ्य
- Home गृह
- Human Resources Development मानव संसाधन विकास
- Industry उद्योग
- Information & Technology सूचना प्रावैद्यिकी
- Infrastructure Development Corporation आधारभूत संरचना निकाय प्राधिकार
- Labour Resource श्रम संसाधन
- Law विधि
- Mines & Geology खान एवं भूतत्व
- Minor Water Resource लघु जल संसाधन
- Minority Welfare अल्प संख्यक कल्याण
- Panchayti Raj पंचायती राज
- Parliamentary Affairs संसदीय कार्य
- Patna Municipal Corporation पटना नगर निगम
- Personnel & Administrative कार्मिक एवं प्रशासनिक सुधार
- Planning & Development योजना एवं विकास
- Public Health & Engineering लोक स्वास्थ्य अभियंत्रण
- Public Relation & Information सूचना एवं जनसम्पर्क
- Registration, Excise & Alcohol Prohibition उत्पाद एवं मद्य निषेद्य
- Revenue & Land Reforms राजस्व एवं भूमि सुधार
- Road Construction पथ निर्माण
- Rural Development ग्रामीण विकास
- Rural Works ग्रामीण कार्य
- SC & ST Welfare अनु०जा० एवं अनु०ज०जा० कल्याण
- Science & Technology विज्ञान एव प्रावैद्यिकी
- Social Welfare समाज कल्याण
- State Heath Society राज्य स्वास्थ्य समिति
- State Information Commision राज्य सुचना आयोग
- Sugarcane Industry Development गन्ना उद्योग विकास
- Tourism पर्यटन
- Transport परिवहन
- Urban Development & Houses नगर विकास एवं आवास
- Vigilance निगरानी
- Water Resources जल संसाधन
- Women Development Corporation महिला विकास निगम