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RTI Application for Ownership of Vehicle

Include the following in your RTI Application

In most states, there is a prescribed procedure for obtaining Registration Particulars of motor vehicles from the office of Regional Transport Officer where the vehicle is registered, by making an application in prescribed proforma and remitting prescribed fee. This procedure is simple and faster to get registration particulars of the vehicle in question, which shall contain name and address of registered owner of the vehicle.

You can also invoke provisions of RTI and seek Registration Particulars by filing RTI Application with the Public Information Officer in office of the concerned Regional Transport Office, where the vehicle is registered and seek:

[1] Please supply me the certified copy of the Registration Particulars / Details of Vehicle Registration No. ……………….

Use Application Format (if any) and Application Fee as per yourState RTI Rules

When you require name and address of vehicle owner in connection with serious accidents involving said vehicle, the information is required to be supplied under Life or Liberty clause within 48 hours.

Kindly refer CIC decision in this link: Vehicle Owner Details under Life or Liberty clause

Visit RTI INDIA forums for Discussions

guide/applicant/application/sample/ownership-vehicle.1460525528.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/13 05:32 by Raveena