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Benefits of RTI

What are the real benefits of Right to Information for a common man

Get to know your personal grievances

Right to Information is a revolution. It makes the Government Offices reply to your questions. File an RTI asking for information about your pending cases like Passport delay or Pension delay and immediately the Government Office comes into play.

How it happens

Once you file an RTI, the Public Information officer creates a file of your RTI and send it to relevant babu for comments. In most of the times your case if one amongst many and is not heard out of the turn. But when you file an RTI, your case props up in front of the concerned babu.

He needs to bring out the file of yours to make a reply to RTI. He cannot shelve your file thereafter without a strong reason. Can he write that it is pending at his desk or section? :?:

Therefore, in the majority of cases, he not only replies to RTI but also solves the case.

File a simple RTI asking for where is the file of yours, the dak movement and copy of the note sheet /Correspondence and see the trick

Improve the situation around yourself

Are you fed up with broken roads, encroachments, loudspeakers and many such issues you simply see around but never knew what to do?

Recently, we saw many online websites and social media which allow us to air our views. Frequently, we post photos, videos on social media. But unless your post is viral or catches the attention of Media / Politician or a Social Media Savvy Municipal Commissioner / District Collector, your post has no luck. :!::!::!::!:

There is a good news for you. Use RTI!

How it works

Wait no more. Be smart. Search for the relevant authority first. If it is local roads, it is Municipal Corporation, if it is National High way, then it is National Highway Authority of India. That's the hardest part. But don't worry. Even if you don't know the Public Authority, file an RTI to most relevant public Authority and that Public Authority is bound to forward your RTI. Remember he cannot return your RTI, that's the best part.

What to ask

Solve long pending issues of the society Make your elected representative accountable Make name in the society Make your Online social presence relevant and helpful Make connections with Government Officers Become the News Reporter Become the Activist Become Lawyer


blog/benefits-of-rti.1528167791.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/05 03:03 by Shrawan