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RTI Application for MPLAD Funds

Format for the RTI Application


Central Public Information Officer,
District [Name of the District]
[Full Address]

Subject: Information under Right to Information Act 2005

Dated: [Enter the Date of RTI Application]

Dear Sir,

Kindly furnish certified copies of my answer-sheets, the details of which are as under:

  1. MP Name : [ MP Name]
  2. Consitituency Name: [Constituency Name]
  3. Nodal District: [Nodal District under MPLAD]
  4. Implementing District Name: [Implementing District Name under MPLAD]

Questions under Right to Information Act:

  1. Please provide me with the certified copies of the work recommended letters by [ MP Name] from the time of his tenure as MP and allotted your District.
  2. Also provide information of all the recommendations in the following format
Date of recommendation Name of the work recommended by MP Amount of the work recommended (In Rs.)
  1. Kindly provide information relating to all works recommended by Hon’ble Member of Parliament from the time of him being elected and allotted your District in the following format, as this format is utilized by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in ‘Works Monitoring System’.

Download the Format

Guidelines for filing RTI Application

  1. Ordered List ItemUnder MPLADS, the role of the Members of Parliament is limited only upto recommendation of works. Thereafter, it is the responsibility of the District Authority to sanction, execute and complete the works recommended by Members of Parliament within the stipulated time period.
  2. The exact figure (s) of expenditure is available only with the District Authorities.
  3. Under the scheme, each MP has the choice to suggest to the District Collector for, works to the tune of Rs.5 Crores per annum to be taken up in his/her constituency.
  4. The Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament can recommend works in one or more districts in the State from where he/she has been elected.
  5. The Nominated Members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha may select any Districts from any State in the Country for implementation of their choice of work under the scheme.

Include the following in your RTI Application

This RTI Application is regarding the following constituency

Constituency :
District :

Year : to __

Please inform how MLA/MP funds were used for the above period.

guide/applicant/application/sample/mla-fund.1461039155.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/19 04:12 by Shrawan