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file notings

File Notings under RTI Act

As per DOPT OM Dated 23rd June 20091), file noting can be disclosed except file noting containing information exempt from disclosure under section 8 of the Act.

Section 2 (f) of the RTI Act defines 'information’ which includes ‘record'. Section 2(i)(a) states that a 'record' includes any document, manuscript and file. The operative definition of a 'file' is given in the Manual of Office Procedure prepared by the Central Secretariat, Government of India. The definition of 'file' in the Manual includes 'notes' and 'appendices to notes'.

In <abbr>Central Information Commission(CIC)</abbr> Decision No. ICPB/A-1/CIC/2006 dt.31.01.2006, the CIC held that “file notings are not, as a matter of law, exempt from disclosure”.

Thus, file notings can be disclosed under the Act.

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DOPT OM Dated 23rd June 2009: Disclosure of 'file noting' under the Right to Information Act, 2005.
explanations/file-notings.1461163080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/20 14:38 by Shrawan