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RTI Application for Tender Documents


As per CVC directives, details of concluded tenders are required to be uploaded on official website of the public authority concerned. You can access details of such concluded tenders from its website. If the public authority didn't upload such details, you can file RTI Application with the concerned PIO of that public authority and seek information pertaining to concluded tenders.

An ordinary citizen may not have the details and nomenclature of tender works awarded by a particular public authority. It would therefore be necessary to ascertain the details of all works tenders invited and finalized by the public authority, for which Letter of Acceptance issued as also the works executed, being executed and pending for execution.

Tender related information is voluminous. Therefore, it is advisable to obtain the list of all works for which tender acceptance issued by the public authority as also the copy of Tender Acceptance Letter issued to successful bidder by filing First RTI Application as per sample given below. On getting information from the PIO, from the list of works and the copy of acceptance letter, you can plan further course of action. Letter of Acceptance of Tender Offer, issued to the successful bidder shall contain many attributes like Cost of accepted tender, total completion period, special conditions, if any. You can pick up few works of your interest, from the list of works or Letters of Acceptance of Tender Offers or from the Contract Agreements and file second RTI Application as per sample below and seek specific documents pertaining to that particular tender.

Remember, documents pertaining to a concluded Tender may contain 100 to 1000 pages, depending upon the nature of work. Therefore, before filing second RTI Application, you must select the work(s) with objectivity to serve specific purpose, such as - inordinate delay in completion of work and apathy of public authority in not enforcing penal clauses etc., thereby causing inconvenience to public.


The Public Information Officer
[ Name of Public Authority]
[ Full Address ]
[Pin Code]

Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act.


Please supply me the following information with respect to Tender Works concluded and Awarded by your public authority and/or Executed and/or being executed and/or pending execution: Particulars of Information sought:

Particulars of Information sought:

[1] Certified copy of the list of all works finalised and work contracts awarded by your public authority during the period from ……………. To ………..……

[2] certified copy of all Letters of Acceptance of tender offers for all works for which tenders were finalized and work contracts awarded by your public authority during the period from ………………. to ……………….

[3] Certified copy of the list of Contract Agreements indicating description of works, entered by your public authority with contractors in respect of works contracts awarded during the period from ………………to …………….

[4] In case Letter of Acceptance of Tender offer issued by your public authority, but Contract Agreement is not executed, please supply reason on record for not executing Contract Agreement with the Contractor.

I am affixing Rs.10/- Court Fee Stamp on this application towards RTI application fee OR I am attaching IPO for Rs.10/- payable to the Accounts Officer, …………. payable at ……….. towards RTI Application Fee. [ Check Application Format and mode of payment of RTI Application Fee from Centre/State RTI Rules applicable to the public authority ]

Please send the information to my below address by Registered post.

Yours faithfully,

Name ………………
Address ……………

On getting the list of works executed as in item-[1] to [3] above, you can seek following information with respect to each of the work reflected in the list of works or List of Contract Agreements or in respect of copy of acceptance letter received by you:

Second RTI Application


The Public Information Officer
[ Name of Public Authority]
[ Full Address ]
[Pin Code]

Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act.


Please supply me certified copies of the information in respect of the tender detailed below:

Details of Tender

Tender Number :
Department :
Date :
Description of work:
Acceptance Letter No…………. Date …….
Contract Agreement No. …….. date…… (if available)

Particulars of Information sought:

[1] Certified copy of the “sanctioned estimate”.

[2] certified copy of the 'Schedule of Work'.

[3] Certified copy of “Contract Agreement”.

[4] Certified copy of the “Tender Committee Proceedings”.

[5] Certified copy of the application submitted by the Contractor seeking extension of time limit for completion of the above work.

[6] Certified copy of the letter granting extension of time limit for completion of above work.

[7] Certified copy of the latest on-account/Running Account Bill or Final Bill passed and paid to the Contractor.”

[8] Amount of penalty imposed and recovered from the bills of Contractor for non-completion of above work within original completion period.

[9] Certificate copy of the completion certificate of the above work, in case the work is completed.

[10] Certified copy of the Complete cost, including the excess over estimate sanctioned by the competent authority.

[11] Certified copy of the pages of Measurement Book wherein the final measurement recorded for passing the Final Bill.

[12] Name, designation and office address of the Officer(s) and Engineer(s) supervised and executed the above said work.

I am affixing Rs.10/- Court Fee Stamp on this application towards RTI application fee OR I am attaching IPO for Rs.10/- payable to the Accounts Officer, …………. payable at ……….. towards RTI Application Fee. [ Check Application Format and mode of payment of RTI Application Fee from Centre/State RTI Rules applicable to the public authority ]

Please send the information to my below address by Registered post.

Yours faithfully,

Name ………………
Address ……………

Download ready to use sample: Sample RTI Application for Tender Documents

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guide/applicant/application/sample/tender.txt · Last modified: 2017/02/10 07:33 by Raveena