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guide:applicant:application:sample:epf-withdrawal [2015/12/06 03:24] – created Shrawanguide:applicant:application:sample:epf-withdrawal [2016/05/19 15:57] (current) Raveena
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-===== Include the following in your RTI Application =====+<WRAP center round box 90%> 
 +To\\ \\ 
 +The Central Public Information Officer\\ 
 +Employees Provident Fund Organization\\
 +Full Address\\
 +Pin Code\\ \\
 +**Sub: Request for information under Section-6(1) of RTI Act**.\\ \\ 
 +Sir,\\ \\ 
 +I have applied for Temp/Final withdrawal of EPF vide Form No. ----. However the claim is not settled till today.  The on-line status being shown in EPFO website is also not satisfactory. Therefore, I seek following information under Right to Information Act with respect to my EPF Withdrawal claim.
-I had applied for withdrawal of my PF from my previous employer and have waited for a long period for confirmation of the same.  My requested PF withdrawal has not been processed.+**Following are my PF withdrawal details:**
-Following are my PF withdrawal details:+My EPF account / UAN number  \\ 
 +Previous/current Employer name:  \\ 
 +Withdrawal application Form No: \\ 
 +Withdrawal application date  :  \\
-My EPF account number         _____ +**Details of information sought:** 
-  + 
-Previous Employer                :  _____ +(1) Date on which the EPF Withdrawal claim application submitted  by me was received in your EPFO office. 
-  + 
-Withdrawal application date  :  _____ +(2) Please inform me the date on which my EPF withdrawal claim was passed and the payment was deposited to my Bank Account through electronic mode or cheque no. and date, (if claim settled by cheque.) 
-  + 
-Questions +(3) In case the amount is still not deposited to my bank account, please inform me the due date by which my EPF withdrawal claim was required to be settled in terms of Para 72(7) of EPF Scheme.  
-  - Please inform whether my EPF withdrawal has been processed? + 
-  - Please provide the details of the file records (electronic/physicalwhere my EPF status can be seen +(4) Certified copy of communication sent by EPF Commissioner to me with respect to deficiencies, if any, in my EPF Withdrawal application. 
-  - If this RTI Application is seen by concerned officials who is responsible for the delay in my EFP withdrawal, kindly provide the date and name of the official from the diary on which it was seen by him/her+ 
 +(5) Certified copy of Note Sheet indicating notings by various officials and decision of EPF Commissioner on my Application for withdrawal of amount from my above metioned EPF Account.  
 +(6) please supply me certified copy of statutory provision under which my EPF withdrawal claim is disapproved / disallowed, in case the withdrawal is disallowed or disapproved under any specific statutory provisions.  
 +(7) If no decision is taken and settled the EPF withdrawal Claim made by me vide Withdrawal application mentioned above, please inform me the name, destination and office address of EPF Commissioner concernedwho is personally liable to pay penal interest for delay beyond 30 days.   
 +(8) If my EPF Withdrawal case is not processed and put up to EPF Commissioner by the dealing staff of your EPFO Office, within statutory time limit, please inform me the name, designation and office address of staff failed to act within stipulated time as per the EPF Scheme. 
 +(9) List of officer(s) and staff, with designation and office address, whose assistance are/were sought by CPIO in terms of Sec-5(4) of RTI Act, in supplying information with respect to this RTI Application.  
 +I am attaching IPO for Rs.10/- payable to the Accounts Officer, EPFO …………. payable at ……….. towards RTI Application Fee.  
 +Please send the information to my below address by Registered post.\\ \\ 
 +Yours faithfully,\\ \\ 
 +Signature \\ 
 +Name ……………… \\ 
 +Address …………… \\ 
 +Date: \\ \\ 
 +First and foremost aspect with regard to EPF withdrawal is to verify whether you have submitted correct withdrawal Form filled in all respects along with mandatory documents.   
 +Also please verify whether the Withdrawal claim form reached the EPFO concerned.  You may go through detailed [[ http://www.epfindia.com/site_en/WhichClaimForm.php#Q1 | instructions]] based on the nature of withdrawal sought for. 
 +Before filing RTI Applicationplease verify the withdrawal status on line from this [[ http://www.epfindia.com/site_en/KYCS.php | Know Your Claim Status ]] 
 +Sub-para(7) of Para72 of EPF Scheme provides an important legal provision guanteeing settlement of claims within 30 days.  Para72(7) reads as follows: 
 +<WRAP center round box 80%>  
 +7) The claims, complete in all respects submitted along with the requisite documents shall be settled and benefit amount paid to the beneficiaries within 30 days from the date of its receipt by the Commissioner. If there is any deficiency in the claim, the same shall be recorded in writing and communicated to the applicant within 30 days from the date of receipt of such application. In case the Commissioner fails without sufficient cause to settle a claim complete in all respects within 30 days, the Commissioner shall be liable for the delay beyond the said period and penal interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum may be charged on the benefit amount and the same may be deducted from the salary of the Commissioner. 
 +In case the claim is not settled within 30 days and no justified reason for delay is communicated or displayed in its website, you may file RTI Applciation and seek following information: 
 +{(rater>id=1|name=Transfer of PF Status|type=rate)} 
guide/applicant/application/sample/epf-withdrawal.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/19 15:57 by Raveena